A training option to suit everybody!

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About us

Fitness has been my career, straight edge has been my lifestyle.  Both have heavy ties to our business ethos for the past 8 years.
My whole life has been striving to stay true to myself, through my beliefs of living a balanced life, and sticking to my guns with every curve-ball that life throws at you.
Fitness is directly related.  Staying true to your goals, not backing down and focusing on what is important to you.  Fitness is earnt and can’t be a quick fix. The pursuit of strength, power, conditioning and mobility is built on hard work, consistency and this cannot be faked.  Stay True Fitness is about constantly striving to be a better version of yourself, loving the process and being proud of the journey.

Stay True Fitness brings 15 years of experience to its Gympie gym and worldwide members in the form of functional training programs.

  • ST Group Fitness: Our group classes use the CrossFit methodology to bring daily programs that burn body fat, increase lean muscle and build community.
  • ST Training Programs: Classes not your style? Our programs are specially built and coached to bring you high quality results.
    Choose between: General Fitness, Weightlifting, Strength, CrossFit specific.
  • Online:  Train anywhere in the world with us. Join #teamstaytrue for affordable well constructed programs that give you ongoing success.  Our teams and programs are delivered via Trainheroic and give you access to daily programs, coaching support, helpful videos and the ability to track your results.

Sound interesting? Send us a message and we can help guide your training decision.